Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The first day

Most days you just want to skip through and some you want to savour it until it ends.

But the first days of anything is a bit of a mixed bag. at least..for me.

Today was my first day

My first lecture was Biology in a 500 people hall.

and well its only 50 minutes !

so my tuesdays really only takes me 50 minutes and i am free for the day !

I met some people and there were freebies all around.

Grab Grab Grab it all....

Had free pancakes too, how generous,
considering that we pay an exorbitant amount of tuition fees, that's the least you can do for us students !

Orientation last week was, not helpful....
in providing me the mental image of the campus i wanted.

i need to get my bearings and use campus slang...

I still get lost every now and then, realizing that i have been walking rounds twice, luckily there was a nice security/tour guide lady giving directions to lost students.

But even then, her thick accent does cloud my hearing a little, so i would just reply with a nice thank you and have a nice day.

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