Monday, July 27, 2009

The Dutch Rennaisance.

I went to the Vancouver Art Gallery today.

equipped with no understanding of art history whatsoever.

The Dutch paintings were on, its these mind-blowingly detailed oil paintings which just really makes one wonder, "is this really human made ?" crazyyy

I like the service they provide too, the gallery has these audio devices that help explain the paintings, thus giving much meaning as to why it was painted and the artist's history.

Its amazing how one artist creates silver shadings and natural looking reflections by using just the three primary colours!!

It makes me want to aspire to become an artist, but since i can draw kindergarden level drawings such as mr stick-man and companions, mr stick-man's friends, there is really no point in trying

I can only drool and dream of drawing at least a decent sketch of any inanimate object.
yes yes, such is the petty dreams of mine.

But i like Vancouver downtown. its bustling with people albeit the dusty construction going on almost everywhere. shops are much bigger and better but of course being the tourist traps they are,
overpriced merchandise...

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Thursday, July 16, 2009

The calendar tells me that there is approximately 7 weeks left of holidays.

that equals not much time.

i don't feel as productive as i would like to, well thats why they call it holidays right.

i'm watching "House M.D" like an addict on drugs.

House is such a snobby son of a bitch, and a pretentious bastard but he puts on a very good show nonetheless.

reflecting back to my previous post...maybe i should be an english teacher in Japan.
You know like the ones that teach rudimentary basic structures.
then i can be like monkey majik and follow their story ...

but i'm no white person.
i don't know what is this obsession that Asia has with white people.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

there are some times when i feel fickle minded, undecided

i don't have a goal to look forward to, is there something wrong with me ?

do we all need goals and aspirations to live ?

i am going to take english, history, biology and criminology in my first semester.

that is quite wtf. how are all of these related.?!

but, i just don't know where to start.

where does someone pick up and find one's passion and then subsequently starts to pursue it.?

" I just got LOST !
every river that I try to cross !
Every door I ever tried was locked !
and I'm just waiting till the shine wears off."

Saturday, July 11, 2009

F*Ck U !

To that asshole who tried to reverse at the same time as me.

and then proceeded to honk me when i was trying to find an opening to turn...

u think u tai sai ah !