Thursday, October 11, 2007

It is Thursday  (もくようびです)

How it sucks to have a substitute teacher...they mostly just sit there..then maybe,
walk around making sure everyone is doing their thing.
and you learn nothing eh...but sometimes it helps haha especially in classes as silly as socials and monotonous as math..

clubs day which was today, it is to promote the clubs and to lure unsuspecting passer-bys into their group...oh yeah! then eat cannibal club
some of the clubs were pretty good with their objectives and such...
like the leos club, its an environment club i guess( save trees! recycle or die!) stuff like that..then there's MAD club basically stands for Making a Difference..
they do stuff like collecting donations for the poor and hmmm make a difference??
the anime club was quite extravagant...with cosplays and stuff..

akatsuki itachi ! hahaha that one was was a girl..
scary big one too...haha..another was a guy dressing as what i thought was Tifa..
and again...that was pretty odd..that wraps today up pretty much

sayonara! haha

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