Friday, November 30, 2007

Whoo and the week is over...
time sure flies by like a lit candle blown off in an instant..fuuuh
the 1st term ended a few days ago with lots of tests...frustrating and kinda stressful too

ah there was one day i remembere, when the chemistry substitute told of his own personal experience in university..yada yada yada and that actually scared me a little.
okay starting to have a bit of a second (yes or no ??)

so then my actual teacher came in today and haha with a happy go lucky carefree attitude..
..and after a bunch of explaining...maybe uni is not so bad after all ?
see, that is what a good teacher is supposed to do....encouraging your students eh ?

that substitute is quite the sadist..maybe he's just promoting colleges..


fun or is it trouble ? in particular, causes too much inconveniences..
we get so see the sun once in a while..yeah till 4 pm.
slippery sidewalks
cold winds in the morning..ugh.
cold winds in the afternoon. agh.
cold winds all day...blragh...hahaha

ohhh this reminds me of the winter olympics that is gonna be held here in vancouver..
in er...2010 hahah...long time more lar...
the ugly mascots they unveiled to the public a few days ago,

see see! ugly or not ?
"Quatchi" doesn't really promote sports...he's fat.
"Sumi" ....what is that ? bird ?
"Miga" is a sea bear...and again, what is a sea bear ?

let me propose my idea..

hahahaa! support me noel!

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