Saturday, December 22, 2007

Artist of the month ~ Wu Yue Tian !

ahahaha somehow they write songs that are so addictive that i was compelled to listen to the same song for one whole day.
note - tee jowee can you send me some more songs??

anyways, finally there is a break from report card isn't the most ideal one would ask for but ehh, it was fairly okay.
I thought burnaby north was the 'smart' school so to speak, but most students suck with how they are content with a 50 percent(considered a pass)
what really, is the point of studying..if skipping classes and whining endlessly is all they can do.

tap tap taptap tap tap !
annoying pitter patter sounds! this is how it would be living around this area.
i guess this would be the most depressing place to live in.
what not with the incessant rain and the seemingly rare enough sunshine that occasionally peaks through the thick fog.
ah its bloody cold !

the advertisement known to most that 'Vancouver is a nice place to live in' is false propaganda !

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Season of the year.
Merry Christmas..

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