Saturday, February 7, 2009

it baffles me that Most People know more about a pathetic small island than the much bigger peninsula that is above it, yes..."baffles"...makes me sound smarter.

Singapore ! why is it more recognized?
they depend on Malaysia more often than not .... and showing off for that matter..
aih....its just puzzling la

on the other hand, the week just ended! aaahh so fast !
there's an exit interview next week too....i hate interviews so much, i have no idea how to answer questions posed in an interrogative manner!
its just intimidating to have someone question myself,
"hey, whatcha gonna do in the future huh?"

and um, umm, ....i'm just gonna stick with the generic answers,
~to pursue a post secondary education, get a job i'm happy with in the future
bla bla bla.....


not so generic,
~woi what right have u got to question my future plans huh !? privacy u know privacy !


kiss ass answer
~to be like you, whom i admire so much right now....please pass me ??
uhhh maybe that only works for the cute girls..

i hate stuff like this.....i don't think it shall benefit me in any way.

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