Tuesday, June 23, 2009

pardon the attempt.

A post in retrospect (part 1)

Rewind to 2006, July.

Well, the shock was incomprehensible to me that time.
i had no prior knowledge to the idea of migrating.
my mommy did not tell me anything,
She did not even tell me that she had applied for a freaking transfer at any given time.
And i still remember that it happened right after returning from that school camp.

So so, imagine the mood change from a tired sense of happiness to an angry sense of mind numbing kinda feeling.
Naturally, i was mad to the point of hitting the floors and walls.

But, it was not my call to make.
Reality is cruel.

stripped down to its bare essentials.

i really miss air conditioners.

ah...home sweet home
it will always be how i remember it
until i see it again.
which is.....when again ??

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