Sunday, September 23, 2007

Another week to come..

And so here i am again ! the last day the long came too quick...
tommorow there's school the routine continues itself, and the tedious and cumbersome path goes on...going like this,
classes then homework, do homework then classes and again..more homework...

lady teachers are not funny(those i have anyway).....they're straight forward and that bores me
the classes feeeel extra loong and you just feel relieved that its over...
so in biology, there's learning about mitosis again, which in my opinion, is as boring as genetics..
but in turn, better than physics...
hmm...talking bout that accursed subject, that reminds me, my physics teacher is quite unclear even though i'm sitting right beside him! with the projector close to me!.! i seem to complain
too much eh...i cant stop !

i feel like this..................

sayonara ne !

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