Tuesday, September 25, 2007

days pass so quickly that i dont even notice.

I have no motivation whatsoever to do anything...how come when i watch something that was supposed to make me laugh but it doesn't ? it doesn't feel enjoyable doing anything at all...
this feels like crap and thats bad.... okay! on to my daily complains...

yeah actually there isnt much to complain...had a painful on and off headache that i could not think that well...luckily there weren't any of those surprise quizzes...just more speaking speaking speaking...talking talking talking, writing bout what they're talking about...
i currently feel so lazy to learn japanese...so many things to memorize, it feels kinda cramped up there.. i learn if i feel like it...but,
no feel like it = no learn
haha easy equation !!

oh and ~censored~ physics was up next...the epitome of bore dom zom wom !

"huh? i don't get that" and "what the heck is he trying to say ?" goes through my mind very often....
blast it !

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