Friday, September 28, 2007

What a long day !

I have the flu...which comes with headache, lethargy and runny nose....
my throat was really sore too..(aww poor thing you) hahaha !
it was a really bad day to study as i lose concentration so easily...
oh my badness..biology sucks..and i even took the honors for that...oh how i regret that now...
why did i even think of taking the honors class !! they study more, they have more work than normal classes...haih...what a waste of time..and the teacher's quite nerdy...
she knows so freaking much about biology and she even brought a 'mitosis song'
crappy song by the way...

then there was this event, the terry fox run... a good way to waste time walking with the cold chilly wind blowing in your face.
hahaha one of the dumb things that the school does...
even though the actual run has already passed, they still wanna continue on with their own lame attempt of a 'run'.

At the very least, IT class was sorta entertaining..
learning how to make flash and integrate in into a website....the teacher's really good...

Thank God Its Friday....i love my sleep..

cai jian hahaha or was it jai chian.?

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